The way forward - the Acting Vice-President.

Magnus Jonsson is now serving as the acting Vice-President.
With the unexpected resignation of Silviu Stroei from International Esports Federation's Board, a position has opened up on the Board which IESF will have to fill as soon as possible if the Board is to continue to fire on all cylinders.

As a stop-gap, IESF has temporarily appointed Board member, Magus Jonsson, of Sweden, to act as Acting Vice-President. Such appointment shall only be in force until the Board appoints a Board member formally to hold such office.

It is the President's considered opinion that such position must be filled as soon as possible for the following reasons:

  • Should the President be absent, it is the Vice-President that must immediately step up to the plate and continue with the President's workoad, and
  • The Vice-President has oversight of the World Championships.
Thus IESF's Board has selected Magnus Jonsson to act as acting Vice-President until further notice.

Colin Webster, President of IESF, says of Magnus, "Magnus is a valued Board member who has served IESF well during his terms of office and is more than capable of acting as a caretaker of such an important office."


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