The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to publish a series of Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Checklists, which provide guidance and support to athletes, their physicians and Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) during the TUE application process.

These Checklists are based on the TUE Committee Guidelines (TUEC Guidelines) (Medical Information to Support the Decisions of TUECs documents), which were developed by WADA and external medical specialists primarily for TUECs. The Checklists – which cover the most commonly seen conditions – list the requirements for completing the TUE Application Form, including the medical evidence that must be submitted along with it.

When WADA first published the English versions of the Checklists end-April 2019, the Agency asked ADOs for assistance in translating the Checklists in multiple languages. We are now pleased to announce that thanks to our partners, beyond English, we are now making them available in:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Uzbek
WADA strongly urges all ADOs to use these Checklists in their interactions with athletes and applying physicians. We would also invite more ADOs to consider translating the official English versions into those languages that are not yet available -- customizing as necessary while ensuring that the key elements remain.

We thank you in advance for your collaboration in adopting these Checklists. Should you have any questions or wish to translate them into another language, please contact medical@wada-ama.org


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